
Guaranteed Basic Golf Swing Tips To Improve Your Game!

I can remember the first time I ventured out onto a golf course and tried to hit the cover off the ball on the first tee. My memory of that inauspicious debut was a skewed shot which disappeared into the bushes to the right and became just another lost ball statistic. My basic golf swing technique for starters was crappy but more importantly, I didn’t really understand the mechanics of the golf swing.
The end result of that very first game was a large triple figure score and about fifteen golf balls which never saw the light of day again. Oh, I can laugh about it now but if you want to know what epitomised embarrassment I’m here to tell you it was yours truly on that fateful day.
Can you as a novice draw similar comparisons? Well, if you haven’t mastered the basic golf swing yet and you plan on improving your driving, chipping and putting then read the rest of this article.
Physics And The Basic Golf Swing
Before you can even think about using brute strength in you swing you need to understand golf isn’t really a game about power. It’s more timing and that’s why it’s a good idea to examine your clubs closely. Notice how each one is designed just a little differently than the other. The three iron has a more flatter blade than the nine iron. The three iron is designed for hitting the ball longer distances while the nine iron is designed for more up and under.
Getting into the habit of using the appropriate club for the appropriate play will get you forming good basic golf swing habits. It’s a similar story with the driving woods. In most cases, you’ll have a selection to choose from. I have four and my favorite is the fairway wood. It’s designed to be used as the follow up to the tee shot on a long range hole and used correctly, is very effective in getting a clean, crisp shot away without forcing the shot with unnecessary power.
Golf Exercise
Believe it or not, one of the keys to maintaining a good basic golf swing is fitness, or being golf fit if you like. Identifying your golfing muscles is important and if you are not sure, ask an experienced golfer. No, it doesn’t mean you need to spend five days in a gym building up to Mr. Universe levels. Simple golf stretch exercises; some involving use of a club and others just basic body stretches. You’ll be surprised how effective muscle conditioning will help your basic golf swing movement.
Enlisting the services of a short term coach is a great way to learn the basic skills. It’s like building a house; get the foundation right and you have something to build on. A coach will quickly pin point your problem areas and address them quickly. Ask at your favorite clubhouse the next time you’re there.
The basic golf swing in many ways is like a player’s “holy grail.” Once it’s mastered, you can then plan for bigger and better things, including the odd power drive off the tee!

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Finding Super Golf Swing Tips That Work

Yes it’s hard to believe but there are more than 27 million golfers in the world today. It’s important to remember, your golf swing is what drives your score; not your clubs or ball. Many golfers play golf just to hack around and have some fun; more avid players are always looking for ways to improve their golf swing and their overall game.
It’s been proven that thinking positively about bettering your golf game will benefit you more than playing to compete with your partners and trying to win for winnings sake. Visualize where you would like the ball to land, as you swing. Overall, you generally want to play golf with confidence.
Swing slowly and steadily using a nice rhythm. Trust your golf club to do the job it was intended to do. Accomplished golfers purposely use sidespin to steer their ball around obstacles or towards the safe side of fairways and greens. When you swing if you have problems with your left knee buckling, imagine you’re holding a soccer ball between your knees.
The backswing is a rotation to the right, consisting of a shifting of the player’s body weight to the right side, a turning of the pelvis and shoulders, lifting of the arms and flexing of the elbows and wrists. As the body matures, the ability to rotate the upper torso is affected by age, and the hand action can also slow down requiring a slightly stronger grip.
Sidespin occurs when the clubface is not aligned perpendicularly to the plane of swing. Use the basic ‘hitchhiker’ position when you’re working on your backswing. Before you swing, make sure you’re relaxed; contract all your muscles tightly for a moment and then relax them.
Make sure to use the proper technique. At the end of a swing, the weight has shifted almost entirely to the left foot, the body is fully turned to the left and the hands are above the left shoulder with the club hanging down over the players’ back.
Once you understand that you can change your swing by using a simple technique, you’ll never underestimate golf fitness again. You can get rid of shoulder problems with some simple techniques. It’s no secret; most of the professional players actively participate in workouts.
Ask an expert, who is not associated with the shop you would buy your golf swing aid from, for advice on the right aid for you. Most of all don’t waste your money on a golf swing aid you don’t need or will never use. Be careful about the claims on TV commercials and magazine ads; seek expert advice before you buy because they may not live up to their claims.
Golf swing aids can be found online and are often cheaper. If you’re looking for an aid to improve your stance they’re not hard to find. There are a wide range of golf swing aids on the market today to help the beginning and advanced golfer.
Keep in mind that with some golf swing aids, you may still need advice or help from an expert. Overall, investing in golf swing aids will greatly improve your golf swing and your golf game. Golf swing aids come in all shapes and sizes including apparel type accessories to correct alignment or a golf club add-on accessory to monitor your swing.
Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just starting out, pick just one golf swing aid and go to work on your swing. You can find golf swing aids that will help you with your wrist and arm position.
Get some golf DVDs and commit yourself to a time to practice what you learn. Take as many private lessons as you can afford with a good golf pro. Golfers can never get enough golf tips.

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Cut 10 Strokes Off Your Golf Handicap With Two Fingers

If you’ve played golf a while you’ve heard practice makes perfect.
Here’s the bad news.
It doesn’t.
Keep reading for the good news.
Have you ever had a day on the course where everything goes just right? Tee shots are straight and far. Putts were true and short. The sand wedge was left in the bag. No hooks or slices.
And, if Tiger was in your foursome, you would have beaten him? Almost.
Then, the next time you played, you couldn’t do anything right? Hooks. Slices. Traps. Short putts that got longer. Topped tees shots.
What was the difference in the two rounds?
You know how to play golf. Any golfer that’s been playing for a couple of years knows the fundamentals of golf. You know where to put your feel, how to swing the club, how to putt, and what club to use.
What’s the big difference in the two rounds?
The answer is simple. And, now, believe it or not, the solution is easy.
On the good day you were hitting from “The Zone”. The one you try to get into on every shot. On the good day you managed to get into it on some shots. If it was a great day, you got into it on most shots. On the bad day the only zone you could find was the twilight zone.
But there’s another zone perhaps just as important in golf. The “Comfort Zone”. And, you’re about to learn how you can lower your’s.
What do you normally shoot? Eighty? Ninety? Hundred? Whatever it is, that’s your comfort zone.
All you have to do to lower your handicap is to change your comfort zone.
The problem with the comfort zone is that it has nothing to do with how well you know the fundamentals or techniques of golf. If you’ve been playing a while you know them. And, I’m assuming you do.
Instead, it has everything to do with how good a golfer you think you are.
If you “think” you’re 20 handicapper that’s what you are. If you think 10 that’s your handicap. Think 5…be 5.
Do you believe Tiger thinks he’s a five handicapper? Not on your life.
He thinks he’s a minus five so he’s the world’s greatest golfer. Maybe of all time.
So how good of a golfer do you think you are? More important, how do you change your thinking?
Ron Johnson, of Seattle, Washington, thought he was a 90 golfer. Until he changed his thinking and started shooting rounds in the mid 70s.
I’ll let Ron explain
“My statements began something like…”even though putting is extremely frustrating, I still completely accept myself.” I would practice on the putting green with 10-twenty foot putts, 10-ten foot putts and 10-five foot putts. Each time, I would go through the nine-step process with the same statement…”Even though these putts are nerve-racking, I still completely accept myself.” I found that I began to feel much more confident over the putts and some actually went in the cup. Three-putts to get the ball in the hole began to disappear and, within three months, my average scores went from 95-100 down to 85-90. I’ve had many rounds in the 70′s during the past year and I am now setting a goal of shooting below 70. The process works equally well with each shot in the game, not just the putter. In fact, I now use the process before beginning the round with the following statements: “Even though I am filled with apprehension on this round, I completely and totally accept myself.”
Statements? Completely accept myself? What is this new age stuff?
Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. You’ve probably read about it in the golfing magazines at the club house.
Ron was so impressed with what EFT did for his golf game he started coaching golf using EFT.
One of his students dropped his “average putts per round” from 37 to 29. Another golfer knocked an average of 5 to 6 strokes per round off of her score.
How did they do that? They changed their “Comfort Zone using EFT.
What is this EFT you’ve been reading about in the golfing magazine and online?
Gary Craig, a Stanford trained engineer, who developed Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, explains.
As he states on his world wide headquarters web site, “EFT is based on a new discovery that has provided thousands with relief from pain, diseases and emotional issues. Simply stated, it is an emotional version of acupuncture except needles aren’t necessary. Instead, you stimulate well established energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips. The process is easy to memorize and is portable so you can do it anywhere. It launches off the EFT Discovery Statement which says…
“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”
He goes on to say:
“All of the discoveries of modern physics, from Einstein on, support the ancient theory that a universal energy flows through everything in nature,” says Gary Craig, a Stanford-trained engineer. “This energy, called Qi or Chi, flows through the body along paths called meridians. Anything that stimulates points along these meridians helps the energy flow freely. Acupuncture uses needles, acupressure uses massage, and EFT uses fingertip tapping. By combining the tapping with focused thought, you can release energy blocks that interfere with a good night’s sleep. In countless clinical cases, EFT has helped people fall asleep and stay asleep, even in times of stress and adversity.
What can EFT be used for? For one thing, lowering your golf handicap.
And, almost everything. Here is a sample of disorders EFT is treating successfully: Pain Management, Addictions, Weight loss, Allergies, Children’s Issues, Animals, Vision, Headaches, Panic/Anxiety, Asthma, Trauma, PTSD, Abuse, Depression, Dyslexia, Carpal Tunnel, Anger, ADD-ADHD, Fears/phobias, Eating disorders, OCD, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Neuropathy, Fear of Flying, Claustrophobia, Agoraphobia, Anorexia/Bulimia, Sports and other Performance.
Doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and practitioners world wide are using it in their practices to help millions of patients and clients.
Can anyone learn it? Yes. In just a couple of hours you can learn enough about EFT to shoot the lowest game of golf you’re ever shot. But remember, it’s tougher going from a 20 handicap to a 10 than it is from a 10 to a 2.
You can learn more about EFT by checking the author’s bio and his recommended reports and reading material.

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